Love Spain 2025 Three Coasts Tour
May 29 - June 13, 2025 (full tour)
May 29 - June 8, 2025 (Costa Tropical and Costa de Almeria)
June 4 - June 13, 2025 (Costa de Almeria and Costa Calida)
Please check out the daily details of our Love Spain 2025 Three Coasts Tour itinerary from May 29 - June 13, 2025 below. Participants can choose from one of three options that best suit their schedule. The main option is to join the full tour from May 29 - June 13, 2025 beginning in Antequera and ending in Alicante. A second shorter option is to do two of the three coasts (Costa Tropical and Costa de Almeria) beginning in Antequera on May 29, 2025 and fly out from Almeria on June 8, foregoing the final part of the tour on the Costa Calida. A third option is to do the final two coasts - Costa de Almeria and Costa Calida from June 4 - 13. You would join the tour after it has started by arriving directly into Almeria on June 4, 2025 and staying through to the end in Alicante departing on June 13, 2025. The full route over ten cycling days totals approximately 874 kilometers, which averages out to 87 kilometers per cycling day. The route is stunning and skirts three coasts as well as beautiful inland scenery. The shorter options cater to slightly different tastes. If you don’t have the time to do the full tour, and you prefer more cycling and climbing choose the Costa Tropical and Costa de Almeria Tour from May 29 - June 8. You will have seven cycling stages and travel just over 600 kilometers. If you prefer a slightly more relaxed ride, choose the third option - the Costa de Almeria and Costa Calida tour from June 4 - 13. You will have only five cycling stages traveling nearly 425 kilometers with more off days at the beach and beautiful hotels. This trip is also set up for people who will not be cycling with a full-time tour coordinator on board for non cyclists. You will have a full itinerary every day visiting all the local sites or equally can choose to relax at the hotel. The trip fully caters to cyclists and tourists alike. Any cyclists with a moderate level of fitness should be able to complete the trip. All daily routes are carefully chosen for their exceptional and unique beauty and overall interest. Southeast Spain is a global mecca for cycling. Rest days are interspersed so everyone (both cyclists and tourists) have a chance to enjoy the many splendid beaches and sights along the way. Road bicycles are strongly recommended. Accommodations throughout are centrally located and extraordinarily relaxing allowing you to mix biking, great scenery, tourist attractions, comfort, and a great cause! A portion of your registration fee will go to support local leadership development in Europe via NOVO and Impact Europe.
Three coasts route beginning in Antequera and finishing in Alicante.
thursday, MAY 29
All participants should fly into the Malaga, Spain airport. We will be staying the night at the Parador de Antequera which is a 45-minute drive from the Malaga airport. The Parador is especially set up to handle cyclists - see this. Antequera is a colonial town in the heart of Andalucia. Here is a link to the main sights in Antequera We will meet around dinner to get organized and get the bikes ready for the following day.
After breakfast, cyclists will depart for a 112-kilometer finishing along the coast at the Parador de Nerja. We have stayed at this beautiful Parador before on previous trips and it has been one of our most popular stops due to the gorgeous location overlooking the coast. Here is a link to the top things to do in Nerja. Here is the Strava route for the day. You will note we have a climb to start the day and then drop down to Malaga, ride through town and then join a coastal road going east before reaching Nerja.
SATURDAY, may 31
Free day at the Parador de Nerja. Nerja is often called the balcony of Europe due to its scenic overlook. We scheduled a free day early on so that the whole group can get to know each other, relax, and enjoy the luxurious facilities and stunning views.